How To Get Your Figure Back As A New Mom

Congratulations Mama! Becoming a Mother is truly an amazing thing. A lot of new moms fear that their body will never be the same as it was pre-motherhood.

…but that doesn’t mean it can’t be even better!

A big part of achieving a hot-mom-bod is believing in the possibility of it. It’s possible and I’m going to show you the steps to make it a reality.

Follow these 8 simple tips to achieve a figure that is even better than your old bod.

1) Learn Your New Nutrient Needs

Most likely your appetite has changed during your pregnancy and after. You may have gotten used to “eating for two”.

As a new mom, your nutrient needs are different from before you had kids.

Some factors that affect your metabolism:

  • Pregnancy
  • Recovery
  • Changed Activity Level
  • Lactation
  • Changed nutrition

If you are breastfeeding your baby it’s recommended to consume more calories than you did before, but not double. An extra 500 calories per day is recommended for women who are breastfeeding versus 1800-2000 daily calories for a moderately active non-pregnant non-lactating woman. [1]

A lot of new mom’s make the mistake of “eating for two” when they really only need to bump up normal daily calories by about 20%.

Including a small extra snack each day or slightly larger portions at each meal is enough to make up for the increased nutrient needs.

Talk to your doctor or a qualified nutritionist about exactly how much more food you need and be aware of the nutritional values of the foods you are eating. If you are not losing weight it may be a symptom that your nutrition is exceeding your needs.

Here’s What You Can Do To Find Out:

  • Take one day to track everything that you eat.
  • Use a nutrition tracking software and enter the foods you eat and the quantities you eat them in. (Make sure to record everything, including beverages, especially sweetened ones)
  • At the end of the day, you’ll have your total daily calories along with how much protein carbohydrates and fats you take in.
  • Use this information as a learning experience to discover if you are meeting, exceeding, or deficient on your nutrient needs.

If you found you were overeating you can adjust by eating slightly smaller portions at each meal, eliminating one meal or snack, or choosing foods lighter in calories – for example swapping bread, pasta, rice, or potatoes for greens or other veggies instead.

Being well informed is the best way to make adjustments and find that healthy balance of eating the right amount for your body.

2) Breastfeed Your Baby

Breastfeeding has been shown to increase a mother’s metabolism significantly [2]. While there are some very valid reasons you may choose not to breastfeed you may want to consider it if you’re worried about regaining your figure post pregnancy.

Whether you choose to or not is entirely up to you, but most mom’s who do breastfeed generally have an easier time getting the post-pregnancy weight off than mom’s who don’t.

3) Do Strength Training 2-3x Per Week

Strength training is an important but often overlooked component of losing fat and getting a lean/toned look. By training your body to be stronger you’ll increase your rate of metabolism, meaning you’ll burn more calories even while at rest.

You don’t need to strength train every day though, just 2 to 3 strength sessions per week should be enough to revive your metabolism and help tone your muscles.

4) Do Cardio In Small Increments Frequently (5+ Times Per Week) Instead Of Long Durations Occasionally

A lot of new moms will go through phases where the weight seems to be coming off more easily than other times, and phases where you feel like working out more than other times.

Just as our body weight will fluctuate, so will our motivation to exercise.

If you have already experienced what it’s like to go through a fit phase and then lose it then you know how painful it can be to have to start all over again.

A much better approach to sustainable fitness is to learn to become active on a regular basis by taking some of the pressure off.

Feeling like every workout you do needs to be super intense and a full hour-long may be standing in your way of getting great results by just giving yourself 10 minutes a day of moderate activity.

When it comes to cardio exercise, some is always better than none, and more frequently is better than more total. Doing 15 minutes per day every day will give you better results than 60 minutes just once or twice per week.

By committing to small chunks every day you lessen the risk of burnout, you won’t get as sore or tired from it, so you’ll be more likely to feel up to it again tomorrow, and you’ll see better results in the long run versus starting and stopping again over and over.

Treat your “cardio” as a play date instead of work. With your kid around it’s easier to keep a light playful attitude and have fun with it. Your baby may even giggle as he or she watches you bounce around and have a good time.

Put on some fun music and commit to just 8-15 minutes of moving your body.

Here’s A Sample Cardio Workout To Try:

I generally choose 4 different exercises and do them for timed intervals of 30 seconds each with 30 second rest periods in between. I then repeat the circuit of 4 twice for an 8-minute total body cardio workout. If you want a longer workout you can repeat it three or four times.

Bonus: by doing your cardio this way versus running or elliptical you’ll be strengthening your core and toning your arms and legs at the same time. Talk about bonus points!

Here are 4 example exercises I love to use for cardio and how to do them:

1) Plank Tucks

  • Start in a plank position (hands lined up under shoulders and body forming a straight line down to heels that are shoulder width apart).
  • Shift most of your weight forward to be light on the feet.
  • Jump or step your feet forward until your knees are between your elbows.
  • Keep your hips up and in line with your shoulders and tighten your core muscles.
  • Step or jump back to plank and repeat.
  • Do as many as you can during your work time interval.

2) Side to Side Shuffle

  • Start by standing on one side of your mat, in a half squat position with your feet about shoulder width apart, knees bent, and arms held in front of you.
  • Shuffle to the right, maintaining your low position.
  • Stop when you reach the edge of your mat and shuffle back the other way.
  • Repeat shuffling back and forth without standing up.
  • Do as many as you can during your work time interval.

3) Heel Taps

  • Start by standing tall with your arms down by your sides.
  • Kick your right heel up behind you to tap your right palm.
  • Switch and do the same on the left
  • Alternate sides moving quickly but keeping your core tight and maintaining your posture.

Tip: To make it more advanced turn it into a butt-kicking jog in place.

4) High Knee March

  • Start by standing tall and lifting your right knee up to meet your left forearm.
  • Switch and do the same on the left, matching it with your right forearm.
  • Keep your head and chest up and your core tight.
  • Alternate sides moving quickly but keeping your core tight and maintaining your posture.

Tip: To make it more advanced turn it into a high knee jog in place.

5) Follow A Workout Schedule Instead Of Making It Up As You Go

It may seem like more work to have to plan out your week ahead of time and book appointments with yourself to workout, but this is one of the best-proven methods to stay accountable, be consistent and prevent skipped workouts. It only takes a few minutes on Sunday to look at the week ahead and determine when you can fit your workouts in.

If you find your work schedule tends to be unpredictable then your best bet is to schedule your workouts in before work, even if that means getting up 20-30 minutes earlier than you’re used to. Once you log a few weeks of consistency with your workout schedule it will become routine and habitual, to the point where you don’t have to question whether to do it or not, you just simply do it.

6) Drink Plenty of Water & Eat Plenty of Healthy Food

It goes without saying that proper hydration and healthy nutrition are essential for achieving a beautifully strong and toned body.

As for how much water to drink?

I recommend at least half your body weight in ounces daily. For example: If you weigh 130 lbs you would drink at least 65 ounces of water each day. That’s just over 8 cups. If you weigh more, drink more and if you weigh less you can drink less. Your water requirements may rise with an increase in activity level, so if you feel thirsty drink up! Ideally, you want to drink enough water that you feel good and hydrated, but not so much that it feels like a chore or makes you feel bloated. Test out different amounts and see what works best for your body.

And what does healthy nutrition look like?

A healthy diet means different things to different people, but I believe most people can agree that a diet rich in plant-based foods, like vegetables, with a moderate amount of protein and fats to create balance, is best for well-rounded nutrition.

A good rule of thumb is to “eat the rainbow” meaning include lots of color on your plate and make sure each meal is made up of more than half its volume in plants, especially greens.

You should have a general idea of how many calories you should be consuming each day. For average sized women with a moderate activity level, this can be between 1800-2200 calories daily. Even if your goal is weight loss it’s important that you eat enough to keep your metabolism healthy. Don’t be afraid of food. Nutrition is your friend especially when it comes to getting your figure in shape. The more healthy food you eat the more energy you’ll have to crush your workouts.

7) Lay Down To Sleep At The Same Times Your Baby Sleeps

Newborn babies need a lot of sleep. Most infants take at least 14 hours of sleep per day [3]. But as a new mom, you might find yourself staring at him or her while she sleeps or scrambling to clean the house or do whatever chores you couldn’t while the baby was awake.

Stop whatever you think you need to do and prioritize yourself getting a little snooze time. You don’t have to reserve your sleep time for night time only, it’s okay for you to nap during midday or whenever your baby is napping too.

Tip: If you have a hard time falling asleep during the day you can at least close your eyes and put your legs up the wall to take a relaxing 10-15 minute period that rejuvenates your body and mind.

8) Have Patience. Skip Shortcuts. Allow However Much Time It Takes

I completely understand that you’ve just spent 9 months pregnant and have been anxiously waiting to see your slim waist again.
Unfortunately taking weight loss shortcuts or using drastic measures in efforts to lose weight fast usually backfire and leave you in a worse position than if you’d had patience and done things the right way.

It will take time to see your slim waist again, but it will definitely happen if you focus on keeping yourself fit and healthy.

Here’s me at the peak of my pregnancy: (9 months pregnant)

The day after giving birth: (a few hours after delivery, then the same day still in the hospital in the late afternoon, with baby sleeping in the bassinet behind me)

Then a week later:

About 3 months later:

And about 5 months later I felt that my figure was back:

An important note: Everyone’s fitness journey is unique and there’s no right or wrong speed or timeline to get your body back post-pregnancy. My recovery was faster than average, due to a very fit start and being able to continue my fit and active lifestyle during pregnancy and after. I was lucky to have no complications during pregnancy, delivery, or beyond.

If you’re struggling with factors out of your control be patient with your progress and allow yourself however much time it takes. There is no deadline and nothing is wrong if your process is taking longer.

In conclusion, your overall health should be your highest priority as a new mom and your figure will come back in time if you are taking all the right steps to keep yourself healthy strong and lean.


[1] Postpartum Counseling, Diet, Nutrition, Exercise:

[2] Effects of breastfeeding on postpartum weight loss among U.S. women

[3] Sleep duration from infancy to adolescence: reference values and generational trends.

Squatless Booty Blasting Home Workout

Sure, squats can be a staple exercise in most good booty workout plans…

But just like anything else, your daily workouts need variety.

They need some squat-less days…

Not only to keep you excited about variety but to keep your glutes guessing as well.

The more variety and zeal you have in your booty workouts, the better results you’ll see.

Here’s an example of a booty blasting home workout to take your booty training to the next level (that doesn’t include squats).  

1. Curtsy Lunge

How To:

  • Stand with your back straight and your chest and chin up. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Step your right leg diagonally behind your left leg and bend your knees to lower into a lunge.
  • Push through your right heel to stand, and bring your right leg back to start.
  • Alternate legs with every repetition.

How Many:

  • 2 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

Video Example:

2. Step Ups

For this exercise, you’ll need a box, chair or a small table or bench.

How To:

  • Stand to face a chair, small table or bench with your hands at your side.
  • Keeping your back straight and your chest up, step onto the box with your left foot and drive your right knee up. Then, step down with your right leg.
  • Perform 10 repetitions with one leg and then switch legs.

How Many:

  • 2 sets of 10 repetitions per leg.

Video Example:

3. Side Lying Hip Abduction

How To:

  • Lie on one side with your legs out straight and stacked on top of each other. Prop your torso up with your forearm.
  • Lift your top leg toward the ceiling in a slow and controlled movement, lifting from your hip and butt, not your lower back. Keep your abdominals flexed.
  • Return to start.
  • Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.

How Many:

  • 2 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

Video Example:

4. Glute Bridge

How To:

  • Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down.
  • Lift your hips off of the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight, diagonal line. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement and keep your abs drawn in so you don’t overextend your back during the exercise.
  • Hold your bridged position for 2 seconds before easing back down.

How Many:

  • 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Video Example:

5. Clamshell

How To:

  • Lie on your side, with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45-degree angle.
  • Rest your head on your lower arm, and place your other arm on the top hip. Be sure that your hipbones are stacked on top of one another, as there is a tendency for the top hip to rock backward. 
  • Keeping your feet together, raise your upper knee as high as you can without shifting your hips or pelvis. Don’t move your lower leg off the floor.
  • Pause, and flex your booty.
  • Return your upper leg to the starting position on the ground.

How Many:

  • 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Video Example:


What a workout!

This is a great squat-less workout that’ll take your booty training to the next levels and will give new shape to your booty.

Remember to train hard and to flex your glutes during these exercises so that you get the fastest and most effective results!

Wave Goodbye To Arm Fat With These 5 Exercises

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner…

And soon your everyday wardrobe will consist of short sleeves, tank tops, and spaghetti straps.

Or in other words, it’s time to show off your arms!

But ladies, if we’re honest, for some of us, getting a nice shoulder tan doesn’t sound as exciting as it could be because, well, our arms have a little more jiggle than we’d like to admit.

But the good news is that with a few at-home exercises you can get rid of the jiggle and have the best-looking arms you’ve had in years!

And even better, I have 4 of these exercises here for you today.

So try these out and wave goodbye to that unwanted arm fat!

1. Tricep Dips

How To:

  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured bench or stable chair. Slide your butt off the front of the bench with your legs extended out in front of you.
  • Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints.
  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Keep your back close to the bench throughout the movement.
  • Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position.

How Many:

  • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Video Example:

2. Diamond Push Ups

How To:

  • Get in the modified push-up position on your knees but with your hands together in a diamond position (spread your fingers so that your index fingers and thumbs form a diamond). Extend your arms so that you are now in the fully modified push-up position. This is your starting position.
  • Bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor while keeping your back flat.
  • Press back up to full arm extension.

How Many:

  • Perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Muscles Worked: Triceps, chest

Video Example:

3. One-Arm Side Push Ups

How To:

  • Lie on your left side with your knees slightly bent.
  • Place your left arm on your right shoulder.
  • Place your right hand on the floor with your elbow slightly bent and your palm facing downward. Push your torso up with your right arm by extending your arm until nearly in the locked position.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

How Many:

  • Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions per arm.

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Video Example:

4. Arm Circles

How To:

  • Stand up straight and extend your arms straight out by the sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.
  • Slowly start to make circles of about 6 inches in diameter with each arm (simultaneously).
  • Continue the circular motion for about fifteen seconds. Then reverse the movement, going the opposite direction.

How Many: Perform 3 sets.

Muscles Worked: Deltoids

Video Example:

So there you have it…

An at-home workout that will have you waving goodbye to arm fat!

Perform these exercises consistently and with everything you’ve got and before you know it you’ll be excited to show off your beautiful arms this summer!

6 Superfoods Of The Ancient World That Burn Belly Fat

What if I told you, tucked-away in age-old manuscripts…

And hidden in the fields of distant forests and plains were “super-power” ingredients to accelerated fat loss…

Would you believe me? I hope you would…

Because now more than ever, mysterious superfoods of the ancient world have become more accessible for everyday folks like you and me…

On this page, you’ll discover the 6 Superfoods of the Ancient World that burn belly fat and how you can start using them today to accelerate your weight loss…

And starting today you can experience the powerful health and fitness benefits enjoyed by our ancestor’s thousands of centuries ago…

In this short article, you’ll discover the 6 superfoods of the ancient world that burn belly fat…

And how you can get your hands on these ingredients TODAY for mighty-strong results.

Forget about fat loss pills and energy shots…

They’re nothing more than modern poison manufactured in some shady big-city factory…

With heavy promises and little to show for… other than nasty side-effects.

I hope this article can open your eyes to a super-combination of ancient superfoods that’ll provide you an all-natural fat burning solution…


Spirulina has been around for ages. It was once a photosynthetic organism which converted carbon dioxide in the air, into oxygen…

This organism was called cyanobacteria… also known as blue-green algae.

Spirulina was discovered much further down the line.

It wasn’t until 1962 that Dr. Clement of the Institute of French Petroleum discovered these blue-green algae in a salt-water lake in Africa…

At the time, Dr. Clement was studying the surprisingly strong and healthy natives of the Kanembu tribe near Lake Chad, Africa…

They didn’t have much.  Very few farms, meat, fish… and very little grain crops.

Yet the stature of the men and women in the Kanembu tribe was better than a modern population in civilized regions…

(warning: the video below was probably made in 1991… so yea… but if you want to see how spirulina is made in West Africa, it’s pretty cool)

So what was their secret?

Clement found the Kanembu tribe often gathered blue-green algae floating atop of Lake Chad, dried it in the sun, and mixed it in buns or cooked it in soup. That blue-green algae is what we call today… spirulina.

Spirulina helps speed up weight loss.

This high protein plant takes more energy to metabolize compared to most green foods. This causes your body to burn more calories during the digestive process…

Not to mention, this powerful superfood has been shown to curb hunger. 


Chlorella is believed to be among the most ancient life forms on the earth and has remained unchanged since the beginning of time…

It’s been used for centuries…

Even in ancient Chinese healing traditions… chlorella has been used to overcome stress, which is crucial for fat loss.

You see, stress increases your #1 fat storing hormone, cortisol.

It also increases inflammation, which can lead to a series of various health problems ranging from obesity to heart disease, to diabetes…

Yet according to Chinese healing traditions, chlorella is a powerful stress reliever and also provides soothing to mental irritability.

So if you want to stress less and be happy more… chlorella has been used in age-old medical practices for years to do just that…

And get this… it’s amazing for fat loss.

Just 3 tbsp of chlorella contains 16 grams of high-quality protein.

And is packed with more nutrients than kale, spinach, and broccoli! Not bad, eh?

One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food said, “chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood sugar levels.”

Which is why we recommend you get this super food supplement into your daily nutrition regimen asap.


Wheatgrass can be traced back over 5,000 years ago to Ancient Egypt and even early Mesopotamian civilizations.

Yet it wasn’t until 1930 the consumption of wheatgrass in the Western world began.

Wheatgrass isn’t necessarily a fat burner… yet it’s packed with other health benefits that will certainly help…

For example, wheatgrass is a big-time energy boost. It’s perfect to take during your midday crash to replace a sugary, calorie-filled coffee…

You can even enjoy some wheatgrass before a workout for a serious skyrocket in energy levels…

This superfood also helps control blood sugar levels and can help prevent diabetes. Next… one of the most powerful superfoods of the ancient world that’s in the majority of all kitchens…


Cinnamon has been used by humans for thousands of years – dating back as early as 2,000 B.C. – used by the ancient Egyptians.

It’s related spice, Cassia was even used in the Old Testament in anointing oil.

Even famous explorers like Christopher Columbus and Gonzalo Pizarro, sailed around the world in search of pais de la canela” or “cinnamon country”, to find more of this ancient spice…

Nowadays, we have cinnamon ready at our fingertips. The question is, are you using it?

Because cinnamon can help you win the battle against abdominal fat if you use it daily. Here’s how…

Cinnamon has dozens of health benefits, but the main is its ability to help you control blood sugar levels…

A study published in 2003 in the medical journal, Diabetes Care separated men and women into three groups…

One group took 1 gram per day, another 3 grams per day, and the last group, 6 grams of cinnamon per day…

The results showed all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% in just 40 days…

Cinnamon also increases insulin sensitivity, which is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight.  Because chronically high insulin levels will force your body to pack on a whole-lotta belly fat…

Now… this doesn’t mean you should grab a spoonful of cinnamon and begin the cinnamon challenge… (look it up… don’t do it though)…

However, this ancient superfood should become a staple.


Also known as the ancient healing spice in Eastern Medicine, turmeric is also a big-time help for weight loss…

You see, turmeric helps reduce fat accumulation in adipose tissue…

One study shows, curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric that gives it its golden color, decreases the size of adipose tissue which means, lower fat accumulation in overweight patients…

In fact, the US National Library of Medicine shows in this study, weight loss and a decrease in body fat measurements with the supplementation of curcumin.


Ginseng was discovered 5000 years ago, hidden in the mountains of Manchuria, China…

And is known as a strength-giving and rejuvenating compound to enhance health and accelerate fat loss. Here’s how…

According to the Journal of Medicinal Food, ginseng stimulates the oxidation of fats…

which basically means, you use fat as energy more efficiently during a workout… thus you burn more fat instead of other sources like sugar or muscle during your routines…

It also gives you more energy and stamina for your workouts so you can exercise at a higher intensity, thus burn more calories and fat…

So how are you going to fit all 6 superfoods of the ancient world into your shake or smoothie?

It’s no easy task… and can break the bank if you try to purchase every superfood separately. Enjoy the super-boost in your fat-burning results from these ancient superfoods. 

At Home Olympic Gymnast Core Home Workout

Have you ever seen the abs of an Olympic Gymnast? Every four years we flip on our TV sets and watch these amazing athletes compete for the gold medal…

Each routine is full of inconceivable twists and flips that get more complex every Olympic season.

Sure, you may not be in the backflip business but you can’t help but want a strong and ripped set of abs or toned and tight core just like those gymnasts, right?

Which is why I’m giving you an Olympic Gymnast Core Workout you can do from home to help you build a solid midsection with superhuman abdominal strength…

Best part, you can perform this specific floor routine in the comfort of your very own living room. And it won’t take any longer than the commercial break of your favorite TV show.

Here are four signature gymnastics moves you’ll be using in this Olympic Gymnast Core Workout:

Hollow Body Hold

Lay flat on your back and contract your abs.

While contracting your abs, pull your belly button in towards your spine – your arms and legs will be held behind the head or along the side of your body from the body with hands and toes pointed.

Keep your body tight.

Lightly raise shoulders and legs off of the ground. The arms and head should be raised, as well as the shoulders. The lower back should remain on the floor, with a slight rounding in the small of your back.

Your goal is to find the lowest position you can hold the arms and legs without them touching the floor and without your lower back raising off the ground (creating an arch)…

Here are some key takeaway notes when performing this exercise:

  • Keep your body tight the entire time. Abs contracted, glutes flexed.
  • Make sure your lower back is rounded (no arch).
  • Your arms are extended backward in alignment with your ears and your feet are together with your toes pointed slightly forward.

Hollow Body Rock

From the hollow body hold, you can easily transition to the next exercise in this Olympic gymnast core workout – the hollow body rock.

From the hold position, you will then use momentum to rock your body slightly for massive core engagement. This exercise is deceivingly challenging and even looks funny…

But I promise you won’t be laughing when you’re performing this subtle movement.

Check out this video of the hollow body rock…

Similar to the hollow body hold, keep your body tight and together. Again…

Keep your body engaged the entire time. Abs contracted, glutes flexed.

Be sure your lower back is rounded (no arch). For this exercise, you can try two different variations with your arms.

The first variation, your arms can be extended backward in alignment with your ears.

Or variation #2 (as you see in the video), your arms can remain tightly against your side with your palms facing upward (also known as the supinated position).

The choice is yours, variation #1 being the more challenging of the two.

Rotating Floor Tap

Sit on your butt. 

Bring knees close to the chest.

Raise arms straight forward as in the original tuck-hold position. Hold this position.  

Keep your knees tight together and toes pointed.

Quickly alternate tapping on one side of the floor to the other.

This movement is short. You are NOT performing a Russian Twist.

There should be no twisting of the back, simply slight turns and tapping the ground as quickly as you can. 

Throughout the entire hold, flex your abs. Keeping them tight. Do not stop flexing throughout the whole duration of the movement. 

Elbow to Wrist Oblique Lift

To cap off this Olympic Gymnast Core Workout, you’re going to attack the fat around your love handles and tighten up your obliques with the side plank rotations…

You’ll do this by transitioning to the side plank position as featured below.

Place on foot atop of the other. Have your elbow on the floor as a “kickstand” to support your upper body. And raise your hips off the floor.

Starting with your elbow in the air and your hand behind your head…

Rotate your elbow down in a circular-like motion toward the floor.

After flexing your abdominals, return back to the starting position and lift your hip upward toward the ceiling.

After performing one set on one side, focusing on your oblique contraction. Transition over to the other side and perform the same movement, yet on the opposing side.

Here’s how you can add all of the above exercises into one at-home, Olympic Gymnast Core Workout:

  • Hollow body hold – complete for 30 seconds
  • Hollow body rock – complete 10 repetitions
  • Rotating floor taps – complete 30 seconds
  • Elbow to wrist oblique lift (right side) – complete 10 repetitions
  • Elbow to wrist oblique lift (left side) – complete 10 repetitions

Complete as many rounds of these exercises as you can in four minutes. If you’re up for a greater challenge, double-it and complete as many rounds of the above exercises for eight minutes.

7 Best Tea Recipes To Burn Fat

There’s nothing quite like a good cup of tea to kick-start or close out your day…

It’s like a smooth sip of peace, warming your body and soul all at once.

But guess what…

If you’re drinking the right kind of tea, your smooth sip of peace can be a fat burning sip as well.

I want you to enjoy your daily cup of tea to its fullest…

And get the best fat burning benefits out of it, too.  

That’s why I’m writing this article for you.

So without further introduction, here are the 7 best tea recipes to burn fat…

1) White Tea

If you’re like me, when you think about the color, white, you think clean.

That’s exactly what this tea does for you…

It cleans your system of its fat.

White tea is dried naturally by sunlight, making it the richest tea in antioxidants that you can find.

In fact, White tea garnered so much attention for its fat burning benefits that the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism decided to do a study on it.

This study revealed that White tea increases the breakdown of fat in your body while blocking the formation of new fat cells at the same time!

Its rich antioxidant profile also speeds up the liver’s ability to metabolize fat and turn it into energy so that you’ll have some more pep in your step throughout your day, and your body will metabolize fat while you sleep!

Make White tea a part of your daily routine and you’ll shed pounds, gain energy, and will burn fat while you sleep!

2) Barberry Tea

Berries have some great fat burning qualities in themselves.

But none quite like Barberry…

The stem, fruit, and root of a Barberry shrub contain a naturally powerful fat burning chemical called berberine.

In a non-human study, researchers found that berberine can actually prevent weight gain!

This makes Barberry tea a great option any day of the week.

Barberry tea can also boost the amount of energy your body uses in a day, making for an energetic day and a restful night.

On top of that, Barberry tea (thanks to berberine) can reduce the number of receptors on the surface of fat cells, making them less likely to absorb sources of fat.

If you like a little berry flavor in your tea, this should be your go-to option for fat burning and flubber prevention…

3) Oolong Tea

This one is great for after an Oolong week…

(I couldn’t resist).

Like the first tea on this list, Oolong tea is full of antioxidants.

It’s got several health benefits including regulation of cholesterol levels, digestive aid, and Oolong tea is a metabolism booster.

Oolong tea is also full of catechins, which increase your body’s ability to metabolize fat, making it a double-whammy when it comes to burning fat and ramping up a slow metabolism.

A six-week study conducted in 1998 showed that consistent oolong tea consumption will result in weight loss.

In fact, the participants who remained consistent over the six weeks lost a pound a week!

How is this tea not in your diet?

Surely it’s only because you didn’t know about it.

Well, now you do!

4) Green Tea

Unlike Oolong tea, this one is universally known…

But did you now that green tea actually blasts away body fat?

Not is a kinda-sorta way, either.

Green tea literally burns flab off of you.

Green tea’s fat burning prowess can be attributed to catechins.

But the catechins in Green tea are kind of special.

They’re known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a group of antioxidative compounds that kick-start your metabolism and release fat from fat cells (mostly in your belly) and also speed up the liver’s fat burning ability.

Talk about special!

But there’s more good news for Green tea drinkers!

A recent study reveals that when you pair green tea with exercise, your fat burning efforts will reach their maximum potential.

Get the most out of your workouts and reach your best fat burning potential with that tea you already know and love!

5) Lemon Tea

Belly bloat is a pain in the… well, belly. Isn’t it?

The good news is that Lemon tea can beat the bloat!

Lemon tea is filled with d-limonene, a compound that has been used as a diuretic for ages. In a non-human study performed at the turn of the decade, d-limonene was proven effective in eliminating belly bloat.

So the next time you feel like you can’t beat the bloat that’s been bumming you out for a week, get some Lemon tea in your system and you’ll feel better in no time…

And just in time for a night out with the girls.

6) Ashwagandha Tea


Ashwagandha tea helps to reduce stress.

Who doesn’t need that these days?

study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine discovered that,“Ashwagandha root extract safely and effectively improves an individual’s resistance towards stress and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life.”

That’s amazing news for your emotional health and also for your fat burning goals!

When your stress is high, your hormones respond with inflammation in all the wrong places (primarily your belly).

Drink some Ashwagandha tea de-stress and keep the body fat away!

7) Mint Tea

Don’t you wish you had an accountability partner sometimes to keep you away from those munchies that you love so much?

Me too!

But I have good news for us…

Mint tea can be that accountability partner!

Mint tea kills your cravings, and in doing so, keeps you looking and feeling great. But the trick isn’t in the taste.

It’s in the smell!

The smell of mint actually suppresses your appetite.

Mint tea is a relaxing way to stunt your appetite for a few hours, not so that you won’t eat…

But so that you won’t eat junk food. That in itself will cause you to burn fat like never before!

There you have it!

7 of the best tea recipes to burn fat. Whether you’re starting your day, getting ready for bed, or somewhere in between, these teas will do wonders for your fat burning efforts.

If you don’t have any of these teas in your house, get out and get some today!

I want you to see and enjoy the results of what these extraordinary teas can do for you!

5 Best Exercises For Strong and Sexy Calves

Sculpted calves are a necessary characteristic of sexy legs… 

Whether you’re wearing a pair of shorts that show off your simmering legs in the summer sun, out in your little black dress with the man of your dreams, or strapping on that new pair of heels for a girls night, sexy and strong calves are always essential to complete your look.

Even if I were to put appearances aside, strong calves can boost your success in day-to-day life.

Strong calves boost your athletic performance, give you a firm foundation to stand on, pump circulation throughout your legs and also protect your Achilles tendon.   

I want you to feel confident, strong and energetic so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest…

Cosmetically and constructively, sexy and strong calves are a must have, which is why I’ve created this list of the 5 best bodyweight exercises for sexy and strong calves!

You can perform these exercises anytime, anywhere, making them simple solutions to shape and strengthen your calves.

1) Ankle Hops

Ankle hops are great for your calves.

Have you ever felt the burn in your calves after jumping rope for a period of time?

Well, ankle hops make for a great alternative to jump roping.

Not only is this a great movement for strengthening your calves, but it also strengthens your heart and overall fitness level.

Video Example:


How-to: To perform ankle hops, stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your feet flat on the floor, placing your hands at your sides. Then, bounce lightly off the floor in a quick, repetitive movement. Keep you knees slightly bent, your back straight and your face forward throughout the exercise. Repeat the movement for 20-reps.

2) Calf Raises

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Calf raises are a calf-focused exercise that targets your calves in isolation. And it’ll improve the tone and definition of your calf muscles all while building strength as well.

Video Example:

This is easily one of the best, if not the best calf exercise you can perform to target your calves and get them looking and performing at their best.

How-To: To perform calf raises, begin with your feel close together and flat on the floor and your hands at your sides. Then, slowly lift up to the balls of your feet and flex your calf muscle when you get to the top of the movement. Lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat the movement for 20-reps.  

3) Ply Squat Calf Raise

This one is similar to the standard calf raise, except that it involves more muscle groups in your legs, making it a fat burning and leg defining exercise.

Video Example:


When you perform Ply Squat Calf Raises your glutes and thighs are largely involved in the movement (you’re going to feel the burn).

It’ll shape your calves and the rest of your lower half, all of which contribute to great looking legs.

How-To: To perform Ply Squat Calf Raises, begin with your legs spread about shoulder length apart with your arms curled in front of you. Then, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Hold that position for a moment. Now, this is where the movement begins. Lift up onto the balls of your feet and flex your calves when you get to the top of the movement (just like you did for the standard calf raises). Then lower your feet flat on the floor. Repeat this movement for 20-reps.

4) Inverted V-Plank

This one will really give your calves a good stretch, which is important when you consider their look and their health. But the inverted V-plank won’t only target your calves…

It works your abs, glutes, shoulders, thighs, and calves…

Sounds like all of the muscles you’d usually think about when putting on your little black dress.

Video Example:

This workout not only delivers on your calves, but because it’s a full body workout, it also improves stability, flexibility, and boosts your metabolism.

How-To: To perform the inverted V-plank, begin in plank position, resting horizontally on your forearms and the balls of your feet. Then, simply press up onto your tiptoes, flexing your calves and inverting your body at your abdomen into a v-shape. After inverting, lower your body back to the horizontal position in which you began. Repeat the movement for 20-reps.

5) Mountain Climbers

This is a great exercise to finish off your calf workout because it involves a lot of fat-burning movements that will strengthen your calves and make them look great.

Mountain climbers are a dynamic, metabolism boosting, fat-burning exercise.

Video Example:


They engage your core, abs, thighs, calves and even your shoulders and chest.

I’m convinced from experience that this is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do.

How-To: To perform Mountain Climbers, begin on all fours with your hands planted on the ground and resting on the balls of your feet. Then, kick your right knee towards your right shoulder. Then return it to the starting position. Successively move onto your left leg. You’ll repeat this movement just as if you were running on your hands and feet, but without moving your arms. Try to do 20-reps per leg.

It’s not difficult to get strong and sexy legs.

Calves just aren’t typically given as much thought when you exercise as some other muscles...

But by doing these simple, bodyweight exercises you’ll strengthen and shape your calves as well as other muscles in your body, not to mention, you’ll burn fat and kick-start your metabolism while you’re at it!

Can you see it now?

When you implement these exercises into your workout routine you can rest assured that your calves will be looking gorgeous the next time you decide to show them off!

3 Amazing Fat Burning Home Workouts

You do not need a gym membership, fancy equipment, or a complicated routine to burn fat.

Burning fat at home is absolutely possible and simpler than you might think…

I am going to share with you 3 of my favorite fat burning workouts I do at home to stay lean without the gym.

Each of these workouts will take you around 10 minutes from start to finish and require zero equipment other than a clock or timer. You don’t even need to wear shoes.

Throw on some comfortable clothes you can move around in and let’s do this!

Workout 1:  10 Minute Bodyweight Fat Burning Workout


  • Do a different exercise on the minute for each minute.
  • Rest for the remainder of the minute.

Minute 1: Floor Press Squat Thrust x 12

Start in a standing position and flex your butt to thrust your hips forward. Make sure to keep your core muscles tight, your body should form a straight line rather than a banana shape.

Squat down with your knees wide and press your hands down into the ground. Work to keep your spine as straight as possible. Your knees should form a 90-degree bend.

Press down into the ground with your palms then stand back up and thrust your hips forward again to flex your butt.

Minute 2:  Plank Jacks x 12

Start in a high plank position with your feet together and your hand’s shoulder width apart. Maintain your tight core as you hop your feet apart, then back together.

Repeat and work to minimize bounce of your hips and core as your feet move in and out.

Minute 3:  Speed Squat x 12

Start in a squat position, forming a 90-degree bend with your knees.

Lift up with speed as you straighten your body and flex your butt.

As the name implies, the goal is to move as quickly as possible while maintaining full range of motion. Do not sacrifice depth for speed, but do move as quickly as you can with good form.

Minute 4:  Burpees x 12

A full Burpee includes a pushup at the bottom and a hop at the top. If you find this too challenging you can modify by skipping the pushup to opt for plank instead, and standing up instead of hopping up.

Start in a plank position and complete one pushup. Jump or step your feet forward just behind your hands.

Hop straight up out of the squat position and throw your hands down behind you as you straighten your legs.

Squat back down and lower your hands back down to the ground right in front of your feet.

Step or jump back into your plank to start the next pushup.

Repeat moving quickly through all stages of the exercise. The goal is to turn it into a seamless flow between each part.

Minute 5:  Mountain Climbers x 24 (12 each leg)

Start in a high plank position.

Pull your right knee up towards your wrist as if you’re climbing a mountain.

Hop and switch to bring the left knee forward.

Repeat hopping right to left while maintaining as much core and upper body stability as possible.

Minute 6:  Side Kick Through Pushups x 12 alternating sides (6 per side)

The SideKick Through Push Up tones up your upper body and core muscles as well as getting your heart rate up for major fat burning.

Start in a high plank position.

Do one push up then as you lift up to the top kick your right leg through the middle to tap the ground with your toes.

Replace your right leg back to the plank position then repeat the push-up and kick through to the left.

Continue to alternate sides, doing one push-up for each one kick through.

Minute 7:  Crab Kicks x 24 (12 each leg)

Start in a crab position with your hands and feet planted and your hips lifted off the floor.

Kick one leg up and flex your quadriceps (muscles in the front of your thigh)

Lower that foot back down then kick with the other side.

Focus on flexing each leg as you kick and maintaining a tight core throughout the set.

Minute 8:  Reverse Lunge Knee Thrust x 8 per leg

Start by standing with your feet together.

Take a big step back to lower down into a reverse lunge.

Lift the back leg up to the front for the knee thrust then lower back down into the lunge.

Repeat all 8 reps on one side before switching sides.

Minute 9:  Reverse Lunge/Squat Combo (right lunge + squat = 1, left lunge + squat=2, squat once for every lunge) x 12 reps alternating (6 per side)

Start in a lunge position, then step forward keeping your feet at least shoulder width apart and lower down into a squat.

Stand up and lunge on the other side then again step forward into a squat.

Count your reps as 1 rep per lunge, and make sure to do one squat for every lunge.

Minute 10:  Superman + Pushup  x 8

Lay belly down on the ground and lift your arms and legs up to fly like Superman.

Place your feet down and tuck your toes under.

Place your hands down beneath your shoulders.

Tighten your core and press up all in one piece to straighten your arms and form a high plank.

Slowly lower down and repeat.

Count your reps as 1 push up equals 1 rep.

Workout 2:  2 x 5, Timed Intervals


  • Follow each exercise for 45 seconds of working time to 15 seconds of rest.
  • Each exercise and its rest period will take 1 minute.
  • Repeat the circuit of 5 exercises twice with extra 1-minute rest between rounds.
  • This will create an 11-minute total body workout that helps you burn fat and maintain a lean body.

Follow 45 seconds work with 15 seconds rest of these 5 exercises for 5 rounds.

45 seconds Mountain Climbers: 15 seconds REST

45 seconds Side Lunge Floor Touch: 15 seconds REST

45 seconds Butt Kickers: 15 seconds REST

45 seconds Back Lunge Knee Thrust: 15 seconds REST

Repeat these 5 exercises twice with a 1-minute rest between the two rounds.

Workout 3:  2 different 4-minute Tabatas


  • Complete the first Tabata (4-minutes).
  • Take a 2 minute rest period.
  • Complete the second Tabata (4-minutes)
  • Then your workout is complete. (10-minute total workout)

Tabata 1: Cycle these exercises 2x

20 seconds Speed Squat: 10-Sec Rest

20 Seconds Mountain Climbers: 10 Rest

20 Seconds Side Lunge Floor Touch, Alt Sides: 10 Rest

20 Seconds Pushup/Mountain Climber Combo (1 Pushup & 4 Steps of Climbers): 10 Rest

(repeat these 4 exercises 2x to complete the 4-minute tabata)

REST 2 Minutes

Tabata 2: cycle these exercises 2x

20 Seconds Squat Thrust: 10-Sec Rest

20 Seconds Side Kickthrough Push up: 10 Rest

20 Seconds Burpees: 10 Rest

20 Seconds Mountain Climbers: 10 Rest

Chinese Beauty Herb For Hair, Skin, and Nails

Flowing hair, glowing skin, and gorgeous nails are all traits that we admire in other women – especially as they (and we) age.

Each of these traits almost has a fountain of youth effect…

They make us look and even feel young…

The good news (kind of) is that there are plenty of supplements on the market that promise to improve your hair skin and nails…

The bad news is that these supplements won’t do what they promise they’ll do…

But there is something that I want to recommend to you that will deliver on its promise to make you a more youthful looking you…

And it’s been doing this for thousands of years.

What is it?

It’s an ancient Chinese herb with quite a backstory…

And I’m sure that when you read about all of its great benefits for you, this herb will make it into your story as well…

Pearl Powder

About 1500 years ago a woman “took office” in China as the leader of the entire nation…

Her name was Empress Wu Zetian, and she ruled as the only female emperor in over 4,000 years…

Her beauty was that of a legend; her skin glowed and caused the nation to admire her youthful appearance…

But she wasn’t as “young” as she was perceived to be…

This beautiful, youthful, glowing woman was 65 years old…

She was 65 years old and renowned for her youthful appearance.

To put that in perspective for us today, 65 years old is the legal age that one becomes a Senior Citizen in the United States…

And this Empress from China probably would have been had to show her I.D. at the checkout counter at her local grocery store if she wanted to have a quiet night and a glass of wine!

How did she stay looking young at age 65?

Her secret was using the ancient herb, pearl powder.

Pearl Powder Benefits

Protects Skin

Pearl powder has traditionally been known to protect the skin from sun damage and the general wear and tear that comes along with aging…

Pearl powder is rich in calcium, which plays a major role in your skin health…


Well, if your body doesn’t have a good amount of calcium, your skin will appear thin, which contributes to aging…

However, on the other end, calcium helps your body to manage your skin’s turnover rate, meaning that it helps to quickly replace old and damaged skin cells with new ones…

This keeps your skin looking full, vibrant, and generally healthy.

Hydrates Skin

When you think of pearls, you probably think of oysters and large bodies of water…

Well, just like the soothing strokes of your favorite seaside setting, pearl powder provides your skin with calm waves of hydration.

A recent study compared the effects of several types of pearl powder on the skin and concluded that transepidermal water loss stayed and skin hydration was promoted to each one.  

Essentially, pearl powder helps your skin to retain water to keep from cracking, wrinkling…

And also provides it with a splash of vibrancy.

Strengthens Skin

Strong skin is elastic skin…

The better elasticity your skin has, the healthier it’s going to look and feel…

Your skin’s elasticity can be attributed to collagen.

Pearl powder has been shown to more quickly increase the healing of fibroblasts, which make up the collagen in your body.

Collagen also prevents wrinkles and has long been considered a must-have in any anti-aging regiment you take part in.

But that’s not all the collagen in pearl powder will do for you…

Strengthens Hair

Pearl powder, because of its collagen and complete protein content, will strengthen and lengthen your hair…

Which is great news…

Especially if you’ve reached your 30’s because at around this time your body begins to lose its ability to produce collagen…

This decrease in collagen leads not only to weaker hair, but also to less colorful hair, wrinkles, and weakness in our bones, and cartilage.

Like I said earlier, pearl powder restores the fibroblasts that makes up collagen in your body, to keep your hair long, strong, and beautiful.

Strengthens Nails

I told you earlier that pearl powder is a hair, skin and nails herb, right?

Nail growth can also be contributed to the amount of collagen in your body…

If you’ve found that your nails crack after they reach a certain length, or that they simply don’t grow very quickly, they could especially benefit from the collagen promoting effects of pearl powder.

Basically, if you’re looking want the threefold youthful, vibrant and strong hair, skin and nails, pearl powder is the trifecta herb that you should try out today.

But pearl powder’s benefits aren’t only cosmetic…

They provide other behind the scenes youthful effects on your body.

Strengthens Bones

Strong hair, skin, and nails will make you look younger…

Which is a wonderful benefit in itself…

But pearl powder won’t only help you to look younger but will help you to feel younger as well.


Studies have shown that pearl powder helps to support the amount of calcium and phosphorus take root in your bones, making them stronger and more resilient.

This way you can stay youthful through participation in exercise and other enjoyable activities like playing with your children, or even your children’s children, creating new adventures with your spouse and so much more…

After all, youthfulness isn’t only about the way you look, but about the way your body feels and your ability to enjoy life to the fullest no matter what stage of life you find yourself in today.

Supports Mood

And as the kicker to looking and feeling youthful, pearl powder helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

According to Chinese tradition, pearl powder is known as a Shen Tonic, which helps to promote a balanced mindset and prevent nervousness and sleeplessness, which can become a cycle of self-defeat when given some momentum.

Studies have shown that pearl powder can provide a calming effect, which can rupture a cycle of stress.

Chronic stress can also have an effect on your skin in that it often results in pre-mature aging of your very DNA.

But pearl powder, as it has been doing for thousands of years, debilitates that stress keeping you looking and feeling young, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Pearl powder is a natural herb that delivers on its promises…

From hair, skin and nail health…

To a fountain of youth-type vibrancy…

To healthy bones…

And a sound mind…

This herb will keep you looking and feeling young no matter what stage of life you find yourself in today.

Until next time, look the way you feel and feel the way you look!

How to Get Toned Arms [Home Workout]

Some days making it to the gym just isn’t feasible. If you’re like me and you like to do a little something every day without having to spend a full hour of your time, you’re going to love this quick home workout.

For this workout we’re going to focus on toning your arms and the only piece of equipment you’ll need is one stretch resistance band.

I love loop bands, similar to these

Loop bands are convenient for all sorts of exercises and you’ll usually have a set of a few different strengths, at least light, medium, and heavy, so you can adjust depending on the exercise you’re doing and work up to using the heavier one as you advance your strength over time.

For this workout I suggest you use a “light” resistance band for one full round, see how you feel, then decide if you’ll increase on the next round or stick with it.

If you do not have a loop resistance band but you have a regular resistance band or one with handles on either end, you can tie a knot in it to create a loop and it should work just the same.

If you do not have resistance bands at all, use this link to order the ones I recommend are here: They are such a great tool to have in your house to make your home arm workouts more fun and more effective.

Here’s how this workout works:

We have 6 different exercises that we’ll follow as a circuit of 6.

Do each exercise one time each, following an interval timer and working hard during the allotted work times, and resting during break/transition periods.

If you are a beginner or looking for a light workout:

Follow 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds of rest

If you are intermediate or looking for a medium intensity workout:

Follow 40 seconds of work with 20 seconds of rest

If you are advanced and you want a hard challenging workout

Follow 50 seconds of work, with only 10 seconds rest.

All three of these levels will take exactly 6 minutes to complete each round.

I recommend doing 3 total rounds for a complete arm toning workout. Rest about 1 minute between rounds, this entire workout should take you exactly 20 minutes.

Here are the exercises and how to do them:

1) Banded Renegade Push Ups

Banded Renegade Push Ups

Banded Renegade pushups are an excellent total body exercise that will have you feeling the burn and challenge all over! You’ll primarily be training your chest and back with this exercise but you must keep your core tight and your arms flexed throughout these movements. Push down hard into the ground to really activate those triceps.

If you cannot do full pushups, you can do the pushup segment from your knees, then lift back into plank for the rows.

To start, loop the band around your hands and place your hands on the ground about shoulder-width apart.

Lift up into a plank position making sure your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.

Do one pushup, lowering your chest all the way down to the ground. Press back up to plank, shift your weight to the left and pull your right hand towards your chest. Place your hand back down, shift your weight to the right then pull your left hand up to your chest. Maintain the straight plank as tight as you can through these pulling movements.

Do one pushup for every two rows.

Continue like this counting only the pushups as the reps.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose.

2) Seated Overhead Banded Tricep Extension

Your triceps make up the majority of your upper arm, so it’s important to tone this muscle group if your goal is to have tight and toned looking arms.

Sit in a comfortable kneeling position and sit back on your heels.

Loop the stretch band around your hands with your palms facing each other.

Lift your arms over your head with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling.

Tighten your core muscles and pull your ribs down a bit to keep your spine in a neutral position.

Bend your arms at the elbow so the stretch band is right behind your neck. Make sure not to move your elbows from their position next to your ears.

Keep separating your hands away from each other to keep tension on the band throughout the movement. This one is tougher than it looks when performed correctly. Do it in front of a mirror to check your form if you do not feel it in your arms.

Each time you extend your arms straight you should be flexing your triceps.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose

3) Banded Plank Rotations

Banded Plank Rotations

Banded Plank Rotations are amazing for toning your shoulders, specifically the rear deltoids. This move will also help you get a tighter and more toned core! Double win!

To start place the loop resistance band around your hands and place your hands on the ground about shoulder-width apart.

Lift up into a plank position ensuring that your body forms a straight line from head to toes.

Your feet should be about shoulder width apart as well.

Now turn to the right side so that you’re in a side plank and lift your right hand up towards the ceiling, stretching the band as far up as you can.

Do not allow your hips to sag. Make sure your plank stay straight throughout the movement.

Switch and rotate to the other side lifting your left hand up towards the ceiling.

Continue switching between right and left sides.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose.

4) Seated Resistance Band Bicep Curls

The biceps are the second largest muscle group of the upper arm so it’s important to train these muscles too.

Sit down on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you, feet about shoulder width apart.

Flex your feet, and loop the resistance band around your feet.

Grab onto the resistance band with an underhand grip (palms up) with about 1-2 inches between your hands.

Straighten your arms all the way and make sure your posture is lifted and your spine is straight.

Pull the stretch band towards your face, keeping your elbows where they are.

Focus on your bicep muscles shortening and lengthening.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose.

5) Kneeling Resistance Band Pull Downs

Pulldowns are amazing for training your back, arms, and shoulders. This version is easy to do from home but definitely not as easy as it looks!

Sit in a kneeling position and sit comfortably back on your heels.

Grab the loop band with both hands and extend it over your head.

Pull it apart wide and down at the same time until it meets the top of the back of your shoulders.

Raise it back up again, maintain tension, and repeat.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose.

6) Seated Resistance High Pull

This move targets your trapezius (the muscles of your upper back and shoulders).

Start by sitting in the same position you did for the bicep curls and looping the band around your feet again.

This time grab it with an overhand grip (palms down) with your hands about 1-2 inches apart.

Pull the band towards your face, this time flaring your elbows out wide to the sides.

Make sure your spine stays neutral throughout the move and your core stays tight.

Focus on flexing the muscles in your upper back and arms.

DO: as many reps as you can during the allotted time period you chose.

Again, this workout is to be done as a circuit of 6 exercises for 3 rounds, with a 1-minute break between rounds.

  • Beginners: Follow 30:30 Intervals
  • Intermediate: Follow 40:20 Intervals
  • Advanced: Follow 50:10 Intervals

Repeat this full circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between rounds, for your 20 minutes Toned Arms Workout

You can do this workout up to 3 times per week mixing it in with other lower body and core workouts to help you tone your body from head to toe!

Check out some of our other home workouts to help you plan your week