6 Superfoods Of The Ancient World That Burn Belly Fat

What if I told you, tucked-away in age-old manuscripts…

And hidden in the fields of distant forests and plains were “super-power” ingredients to accelerated fat loss…

Would you believe me? I hope you would…

Because now more than ever, mysterious superfoods of the ancient world have become more accessible for everyday folks like you and me…

On this page, you’ll discover the 6 Superfoods of the Ancient World that burn belly fat and how you can start using them today to accelerate your weight loss…

And starting today you can experience the powerful health and fitness benefits enjoyed by our ancestor’s thousands of centuries ago…

In this short article, you’ll discover the 6 superfoods of the ancient world that burn belly fat…

And how you can get your hands on these ingredients TODAY for mighty-strong results.

Forget about fat loss pills and energy shots…

They’re nothing more than modern poison manufactured in some shady big-city factory…

With heavy promises and little to show for… other than nasty side-effects.

I hope this article can open your eyes to a super-combination of ancient superfoods that’ll provide you an all-natural fat burning solution…


Spirulina has been around for ages. It was once a photosynthetic organism which converted carbon dioxide in the air, into oxygen…

This organism was called cyanobacteria… also known as blue-green algae.

Spirulina was discovered much further down the line.

It wasn’t until 1962 that Dr. Clement of the Institute of French Petroleum discovered these blue-green algae in a salt-water lake in Africa…

At the time, Dr. Clement was studying the surprisingly strong and healthy natives of the Kanembu tribe near Lake Chad, Africa…

They didn’t have much.  Very few farms, meat, fish… and very little grain crops.

Yet the stature of the men and women in the Kanembu tribe was better than a modern population in civilized regions…

(warning: the video below was probably made in 1991… so yea… but if you want to see how spirulina is made in West Africa, it’s pretty cool)

So what was their secret?

Clement found the Kanembu tribe often gathered blue-green algae floating atop of Lake Chad, dried it in the sun, and mixed it in buns or cooked it in soup. That blue-green algae is what we call today… spirulina.

Spirulina helps speed up weight loss.

This high protein plant takes more energy to metabolize compared to most green foods. This causes your body to burn more calories during the digestive process…

Not to mention, this powerful superfood has been shown to curb hunger. 


Chlorella is believed to be among the most ancient life forms on the earth and has remained unchanged since the beginning of time…

It’s been used for centuries…

Even in ancient Chinese healing traditions… chlorella has been used to overcome stress, which is crucial for fat loss.

You see, stress increases your #1 fat storing hormone, cortisol.

It also increases inflammation, which can lead to a series of various health problems ranging from obesity to heart disease, to diabetes…

Yet according to Chinese healing traditions, chlorella is a powerful stress reliever and also provides soothing to mental irritability.

So if you want to stress less and be happy more… chlorella has been used in age-old medical practices for years to do just that…

And get this… it’s amazing for fat loss.

Just 3 tbsp of chlorella contains 16 grams of high-quality protein.

And is packed with more nutrients than kale, spinach, and broccoli! Not bad, eh?

One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food said, “chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood sugar levels.”

Which is why we recommend you get this super food supplement into your daily nutrition regimen asap.


Wheatgrass can be traced back over 5,000 years ago to Ancient Egypt and even early Mesopotamian civilizations.

Yet it wasn’t until 1930 the consumption of wheatgrass in the Western world began.

Wheatgrass isn’t necessarily a fat burner… yet it’s packed with other health benefits that will certainly help…

For example, wheatgrass is a big-time energy boost. It’s perfect to take during your midday crash to replace a sugary, calorie-filled coffee…

You can even enjoy some wheatgrass before a workout for a serious skyrocket in energy levels…

This superfood also helps control blood sugar levels and can help prevent diabetes. Next… one of the most powerful superfoods of the ancient world that’s in the majority of all kitchens…


Cinnamon has been used by humans for thousands of years – dating back as early as 2,000 B.C. – used by the ancient Egyptians.

It’s related spice, Cassia was even used in the Old Testament in anointing oil.

Even famous explorers like Christopher Columbus and Gonzalo Pizarro, sailed around the world in search of pais de la canela” or “cinnamon country”, to find more of this ancient spice…

Nowadays, we have cinnamon ready at our fingertips. The question is, are you using it?

Because cinnamon can help you win the battle against abdominal fat if you use it daily. Here’s how…

Cinnamon has dozens of health benefits, but the main is its ability to help you control blood sugar levels…

A study published in 2003 in the medical journal, Diabetes Care separated men and women into three groups…

One group took 1 gram per day, another 3 grams per day, and the last group, 6 grams of cinnamon per day…

The results showed all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% in just 40 days…

Cinnamon also increases insulin sensitivity, which is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight.  Because chronically high insulin levels will force your body to pack on a whole-lotta belly fat…

Now… this doesn’t mean you should grab a spoonful of cinnamon and begin the cinnamon challenge… (look it up… don’t do it though)…

However, this ancient superfood should become a staple.


Also known as the ancient healing spice in Eastern Medicine, turmeric is also a big-time help for weight loss…

You see, turmeric helps reduce fat accumulation in adipose tissue…

One study shows, curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric that gives it its golden color, decreases the size of adipose tissue which means, lower fat accumulation in overweight patients…

In fact, the US National Library of Medicine shows in this study, weight loss and a decrease in body fat measurements with the supplementation of curcumin.


Ginseng was discovered 5000 years ago, hidden in the mountains of Manchuria, China…

And is known as a strength-giving and rejuvenating compound to enhance health and accelerate fat loss. Here’s how…

According to the Journal of Medicinal Food, ginseng stimulates the oxidation of fats…

which basically means, you use fat as energy more efficiently during a workout… thus you burn more fat instead of other sources like sugar or muscle during your routines…

It also gives you more energy and stamina for your workouts so you can exercise at a higher intensity, thus burn more calories and fat…

So how are you going to fit all 6 superfoods of the ancient world into your shake or smoothie?

It’s no easy task… and can break the bank if you try to purchase every superfood separately. Enjoy the super-boost in your fat-burning results from these ancient superfoods.