Fit Back Into Your Favorite Jeans Workout

Slipping on your favorite jeans makes you feel unstoppable.

Unfortunately, you may have noticed the fit of your jeans creeping tighter and tighter, then one day when you go to put them on they just don’t fit! I’m sure at some point you’ve said to yourself that “my pants don’t fit me anymore”. And…

Jeans aren’t as elastic as workout pants, which is why they are a good indicator of changes in size.

Some women may just toss their favorite jeans aside when they no longer fit, but not you-you’re willing to take action and do what it takes to get back in them. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place…

Because I’m going to show you some of my favorite exercises to get and maintain slim legs and a tight waist.

This workout you’re about to follow has all kinds of benefits, but the main ones being that it will help tighten, tone, and slim your legs, helping you fit back into your jeans.

Make sure to pair these moves with a healthy diet and some heart-pumping cardio workouts and soon you’ll be slipping right back into your favorite jeans.

45 Degree Angle Standing Back Kicks

Stand near a wall so you can hold on for balance. Keep a slight bend in your standing knee to cushion your joints and turn your muscles on.

Kick your other leg up and behind you at a 45-degree angle while maintaining a tight core. Flex your butt and leg muscles.

Hold at the top for 3 seconds and gently lower to the starting position to repeat.

Do: 10 reps on the right, then 10 reps on the left.

Towel Slide Side Lunges

Start by standing with your feet together, with one foot on a folded up towel. Keep your hands on your hips and tighten your core for balance.

Squat down and shift your weight onto the side without the towel.

Stay low throughout the movement.

Slide the towel out to the side as far as you can without moving your standing leg. Pull the towel back in towards the starting position and repeat all reps on one side without standing all the way up.

Do: 8 reps on the left, then 8 reps on the right

Wide Squat with Calf Raise

Start with your feet in a wide stance with toes pointed out and hands on your hips. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Lift your heels off the ground to perform the calf raise.

Lower your heels back to the ground and press them down to rise up to the starting position.

Flex your butt and leg muscles and repeat.

Do: 15 reps in a row without pausing

Side Leg Lift with Crunch

Start by sitting one hip on your folded up towel and propping yourself up with your elbow.

Stretch your bottom leg out long, rotate it so your inner thigh is facing the ceiling, and point your toe.

Bend the other knee and place the foot solidly on the ground for support. Support your head with the top arm and stretch that elbow back to elongate your abs.

Lift your straight leg and crunch towards it at the same time.

Hold for 1 second at the top and slowly lower back to the elongated position.

Do: 10 reps on the right, then 10 reps on the left

Half Seated Bicycles

Start by laying on the ground and cushioning your pelvis with the folded up towel. Prop yourself up on your elbows.

Lift both knees towards your chest and flex your abs and point your toes.

Extend one leg out long while keeping the other knee towards your chest.

Switch sides and continue alternating sides.

Do: 30 reps alternating (15 per side)

Once you have completed all 5 exercises, rest for 1 full minute, grab a sip of water, then repeat the circuit one more time. During your second round focus even more on your breath, on perfect form, and envisioning your legs, hips, and waist tightening and toning…

Again, I do recommend pairing this with a healthy nutritious diet and some quick cardio sessions for the best results. And it never hurts to get in a few solid stretches before a good workout.

I’ll be posting some of my favorite stretches here in the next week or two!

How To Use Stretch Bands To Tone Your Butt

Stretch bands are an amazing tool to train the booty with resistance.

All of these moves can be done without the band as well, but why not add this simple and affordable piece of equipment to make the workout more challenging and more effective!

This workout is travel-friendly as well since the entire workout is do-able from a hotel room or your living room and the band is so small and easy to pack and take on the go.

Now you can stay beach-booty ready at all times with this workout as your secret weapon.

To complete this workout all you will need is one elastic loop resistance band. No shoes are required, but wear them if you like. You may also want an exercise mat if you’re working out on a hard surface.

We’ll do 8 different exercises as two different circuits. The first 4 exercises are standing, the following 4 are seated.

Here’s how to do the workout:

  • Complete the 4 standing exercises as a circuit for 3 rounds, before moving on to the next 4 exercises.
  • Complete the 5 seated exercises as a circuit for 3 rounds.

Two options for Reps:

  • Option 1: Follow the number of reps given for each exercise, rest about 15 seconds between exercises
  • Option 2: use a timer and set it for intervals of 45 seconds work on each exercise, 15 seconds rest between exercises

Either way, take about 30 seconds between rounds and 1-2 minutes between circuits. Here are the 4 standing exercises for the first circuit:

Resisted Stiff Leg Deadlifts

Deadlifts are excellent for strengthening your lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. They will noticeably lift, firm and elevate your butt.

Begin by stepping your feet onto one side of the resistance band and grabbing the other side with both hands. Make sure your back is straight (not rounded) and your shoulders are in line with your hips. Look straight down at the ground so that you don’t overextend your neck.

Keep a slight bend in your knees. Your feet should be placed about hip-width apart. Keep a tight hold on the band with your hands and by initiating movement from your hips, stand all the way upright, flexing your butt and legs.

Do not bend your elbows or shrug your shoulders. Keep your upper body relaxed and unstressed.

Keeping a tight core, slowly hinge at your hip joint to return down to the starting position. Do not go so low that you lose tension on the stretch band. Stop lowering once you feel a stretch sensation in your hamstrings and you’re as low as you can get without rounding your lower back.

Exhale each time you stand and flex your butt and inhale each time you lower back to the starting position.

Instructions: Do 15 reps – or perform as many as you can in 45 seconds.

Squat Side Kicks

Squats are amazing for toning your butt, but add this sidekick and you’ll feel the benefit in your inner and outer thighs as well!

Start with the resistance band around your knees, just below the kneecaps and assume a squat position. Make sure your weight is heavy on your heels, not on the toes, this alignment is important to make sure you work your butt instead of your thigh muscles.

Next, as you stand up, lean all your weight to one side, allowing your other foot to lift off the ground and kick up to parallel with the ground.

Aim to use your strength instead of swinging the leg up, and pause for just a moment at the top, before slowly lowering your leg back down with control.

When you are in the squat position, ensure that your knees are pointing straight ahead over your toes and not caving in towards each other. Alternate sides, going all the way down into your squat between each one.

Instructions: Do 20 reps alternating OR as many as you can in 45 seconds.

Squat Hold Butterfly’s

Butterfly’s are a great hip abduction exercise. The muscles that are responsible for abduction are the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus – basically all your butt muscles! Which makes this exercise amazing for booty isolation training.

Keeping the band in the same position as before: just below the kneecaps. Assume the same squat position with your weight shifted back so that the pressure is on your heels. Hold your hands just in front of your chest with your elbows lightly touching your knees.

Now stretch the band as wide as you can, opening your knees out to the sides, away from your elbows.

Flex all of the muscles in your butt, then return your knees back towards your elbows with control. Do not lose tension on the band, it should feel tight throughout the exercise.

Don’t worry if the range of motion feels small – your knees should only move about 4-6 inches farther apart and back. It is a small movement, but a powerful one.

Instructions: Do 25 reps OR as many as you can do in 45 seconds.

Split Squat Kickbacks

I call this one a “split squat” instead of a lunge because the movement is only up and down, rather than forward and back. We’ll add a kickback to increase the booty training even more!

Start with the resistance band just below your knee caps. Step one foot back behind you into a lunge position, with both knees, bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your back is straight and your core is tight. Keep your hands on your hips for balance and stability.

Place the majority of your weight onto your front foot. As you lift up out of the split squat, lean forward and kick the back leg back behind you.

Do not straighten your standing leg all the way or the stretch band may roll up on you. Keep a slight bend in the knee to ensure your resistance band stays put. Lower back down into the split squat position and repeat.

Instructions: Do 10 reps per side OR 20 seconds on the right and 20 seconds on the left, with 5 seconds to switch sides. 

After you finish all 3 rounds of the 4 exercises standing circuit, move on to the seated exercise circuit below:

Resisted Glute Bridge

Glute Bridges are a classic butt toner. Without any resistance though, these can be too easy & a bit boring. Add a stretch band to take them to a whole new level of burn!

Start by stepping into the stretch band with both feet and working it all the way up to your hips, like a belt.

Lay down on the floor, on your back and place your feet about 6 inches from your butt. Hold onto the stretch band on either side of your hips and firmly hold it in place pressing your fists down towards the ground.

Lift your hips up to the top of the bridge position. Keep your core tight and be careful not to overextend your back.

Ideally, your body will form a straight line from knees to chest. Slowly lower your hips back towards the ground to touch the ground but not rest on it. Continue reps focusing on flexing your butt at the top each time.

Instructions: Do 20 reps OR as many as you can in 45 seconds.

All Fours Kickbacks

Kickbacks are one of my favorite butt exercises. Do these often if you want to see a well-rounded bum.

Start by looping the stretch band around one thigh.

Get down to the ground in an all fours position and place your foot of the free leg into the stretch band. Make sure the band is straight and not twisted.

Once your foot is in, line up your knees and check that your hands are directly under your shoulders and your spine is straight with a slight natural curve in your lower back.

Kick the stretch band back until your leg is fully straight and the band is stretched to maximum capacity. Lift your straight leg just a few inches above the hip level to ensure that you flex your butt muscles.

Slowly lower that leg back down to the starting position and repeat.

Instructions: Do 15 reps on each side OR 20 seconds on the right and 20 seconds on the left, with 5 seconds to switch sides.

Crab Butterfly’s

The crab is one of the best core training positions since it’s essentially an upside-down plank. But add this butterfly move and you’ll be feeling the ultimate booty burn.

Place the resistance band around your knees, just on top of or below the kneecaps. Get into a crab position, meaning place your hands just under your shoulders, your feet just under your knees and lift your hips up so that your body forms a table-like position.

Keep your neck strong and look either straight up at the ceiling or forward towards your knees. Your feet should be about hip width apart to ensure you have some tension on the band at all times.

Open your knees apart and stretch the band as much as possible, flexing your butt and legs. Slowly return to the starting position, but without allowing your knees to touch. Keep that tension.

Keep watching your crab position to make sure your hips stay elevated as much as possible throughout the movement. Breath and exhale each time you stretch the band apart.

Instructions: Do 20 reps OR as many as you can in 45 seconds.

Side Lying Kickbacks

This is another great way to do kickbacks from a different position, which helps you hit a different angle of your booty. Plus towards the end of the workout, you’ll love getting the chance to lay down & keep working!

Place the band around one thigh, just above your knee. Lay down on your side, supporting your upper body with one arm and placing your other hand on your hip.

Bend your bottom leg to a 90-degree angle to create a base of support.

Place your foot through the band and lift it up until you feel tension on the band. Kick back and behind you flexing your butt but keeping your core as tight and stable as possible. Slowly return to the starting position, keeping that separation between your knees and never allowing the band to lose tension.

Repeat and exhale with each kick back.

Instructions: Do 12 reps on each side OR 20 seconds on the right and 20 seconds on the left, with 5 seconds to switch sides.

Complete these 4 seated exercises as a circuit and repeat 3 times.

Congratulations on working your booty with resistance bands. I hope you will save this workout and come back to it anytime you need a lift…

10 Minute Home Workout That Beats Going To The Gym

You want to get fit, but you’re not willing to sacrifice a lot of time to do so?

Good News:

It doesn’t take all day, or even hours per day to get fit.

What it does take is:

  • Dedication
  • Consistency
  • and Effort towards your goal.

By working out at home you can achieve all of these things far easier than by paying for a gym membership, fighting traffic to get there, waiting for machines when it’s rush hour, and getting stuck in a rut like lots of gym-rats do.

You may be wondering, Why does this workout beat the gym?

Besides being able to do this any time of day, and fit it into your schedule even on the busiest of work days, this workout you’re about to experience is one of the most efficient full body workouts you can do.

Every exercise in this workout is a “compound exercise” meaning they each work more than one muscle group at a time. By multitasking in this way you’ll get a much more complete workout in a fraction of the time it would take you to drive to the gym, use all the machines, barbells and dumbbells and then drive back home.

Another benefit of using “compound exercises” is that your heart rate will be getting high enough that this can even be considered “cardio training” if you move fast enough & use short rest periods.

If you want to increase the cardio benefit of this workout to combine your strength training and cardio all in one then decrease or eliminate the rest periods and you’ll be sweating and feel your heart pumping in no time.

You may be thinking “Can I really get as good of a workout at home as I can at the gym?” Do this workout, stay super focused, and you’ll see why it’s so effective at getting you in shape. I find that the best way to stay focused when training at home is to use timed intervals instead of counting reps.

It can be easy to get distracted and walk away from your workout when training at home, but if you are “on the clock” and you keep your rest periods short you can keep an incredible focus and get your workout done in a very short amount of time.

This workout is done with your bodyweight only, so there is no equipment needed. Not even shoes! Use an interval timer or a simple wall clock to maintain dedicated work and rest periods. If you choose to do reps instead of time, that’s fine too. You’re welcome to do as many or as few reps of each move as you like.

To hit exactly ten minutes we will break it down to two rounds of five exercises, with the interval lengths of your choice, depending on your current fitness level and the level of intensity you wish to achieve.

  • Option 1 – 30:30, 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest between exercises. I recommend this for beginners or those looking for a light-intensity workout.
  • Option 2 – 40:20, 40 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest between exercises. I recommend this for intermediate level or those looking for a medium intensity workout.
  • Option 3 – 50:10, 50 seconds of work, with a short break of just 10 seconds between exercises. I recommend this for advanced or those looking for the highest intensity cardio workout.

Whichever of these work to rest ratios you choose the work + rest time will take 60 seconds per exercise, per round, so all of these options will equate to an exactly ten-minute workout.

If you are not sure what fitness level you are or what level you want to work at, use 30:30 for the first round, then adjust based on how you feel after the first round is complete. You’ll do as many reps as you can, with good form, in your chosen time intervals.

To keep track of your progress over time, write down how many reps you did and compare it when you do this workout again and again.

Here are the 5 exercises:

1) Squat Thrust

Squat thrusts are similar to burpees but without the pushup or the jump.

By using this toned-down version of a burpee you can focus more on correct form an alignment rather than speed or explosiveness, helping you avoid injuries often caused by doing sloppy or rushed burpees.

Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart and hands down by your sides.

Squat down until your knees form 90 degree angles, making sure to keep your heels pressing into the ground. Shift your weight slightly forward onto the balls of your feet and place your hands down on the ground about 6 inches in front of your toes, with about the same width.

Put pressure onto your hands and lightly jump your legs all the way back to form a plank position. Ensure that your hands are in alignment under your chest and you’re on your toes with your legs fully extended straight.

Tighten up your core, leg and butt muscles as you exhale. Then on your inhale hop back into the same position your feet were before, plant your weight on your heels, lift your chest and stand back upright.

In this standing position ensure that you are all the way upright and flex your butt and legs. Roll your shoulders to the back and lift your chin. Then begin the next rep.

Form is important here, so I encourage you to pay attention to the details and even though you’ll be moving quickly to create cardio benefit, you do not need to sacrifice good form to do so.

2) Pushup + Lunge Stand-ups

Push-ups and Lunges are both excellent full body exercises that recruit your major muscle groups like chest and legs.

When we combine these two we can skyrocket the heart rate in no time, and at the same moment be toning and shaping butt, legs, arms, and core.

Start in your push up position. Ensure that your hands are right below your chest, wider than shoulder width apart and toes are about hip-width apart. Do a full push up by bending your elbows and lowering your chest towards the ground. Make sure your core stays tight and does not sag.

Press back up to the plank position and step one of your feet all the way up just outside your hand. Push your foot down into the ground to stand all the way up to standing, allowing your back leg to just float behind you.

You can place your hands on your hips or out to your sides to help with balance.

Once you reach the top, lunge back down and replace your hands and feet to the same positions to start again. Alternate sides and do a pushup in between each lunge stand up.

3) Side to Side Samurai Lunges

Side lunges are the absolute best for training inner thighs which is an often overlooked & hard to train area.

I like this side to side version because you can move continuously from one side, back up through the middle and to the other side without taking any breaks.

You’ll be gaining the benefits of a great stretch at the same time as toning your thighs.

Start with your feet super wide, as wide as you can stand comfortably. Reach your arms out in front of your chest, parallel to the ground to help with balance. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle while keeping your left leg absolutely straight. Flex your left toes towards the ceiling to intensify the stretch.

Press your right foot hard into the ground and bring yourself back to the starting position, then quickly transition to the other side. Aim to move smoothly from one side, back to the middle, then to the other side with no pausing in the middle.

Drop as low as you can on each side without allowing your heels to lift off the ground.

You should feel as if your upper body is leaning slightly forward and your butt is sticking out behind you. Keep your head and chest upright so that you don’t excessively bend forward putting strain on your spine. Exhale each time you press back to the middle and inhale as you lower.

4) Plank Jack + Tuck

No workout would be complete without some ab work!

Planks are one of the very best ab exercises because they work all of your core muscles, including your lower abs and lower back.

To combine ab work plus cardio try this Plank Jack + Tuck. Start in a plank position with your feet together. Check to make sure your hips are in alignment with your shoulders, not raised and not sagging.

Your hands should be directly under your chest. Jump your legs apart, as wide as you can while still maintaining your tight plank position. Exhale and jump your feet back together.

Next jump your feet up towards your hands as high as you can get, tucking your knees up towards your chin. Contract your abs and aim to exhale all the air out of your belly to tighten up your abs as much as possible. Jump back to the beginning plank position and repeat.

5) Single Leg Pike Presses

Now, this movement is much harder to do. So if you can’t do this one just skip it. 

Work your shoulders, arms, and glutes with this total body training move. Start in a down dog position with your hands about shoulder width apart.

Lift up onto your tip toes and raise one leg up into the air as high as you can. Keep both legs as straight as possible. Next, slowly bend your elbows until your forehead reaches the ground. Your arms should be bent at 90-degree angles.

Press back up to straighten your arms fully then repeat. Do all reps on one side first or alternate sides as you go. Exhale as you press up and inhale as you lower towards the floor.

Remember, if you are not sure what fitness level you are or what level you want to work at, use 30:30 for the first round, then adjust based on how you feel after the first round.

Your second round can and should be even more intense than the first round as your body will be fully warmed up and primed to give it your all. Do this workout up to five times per week to enjoy the benefits of becoming leaner, stronger, and healthier…

The Secret To Burning Fat Around The Clock

What if you could burn fat 24/7?

While you’re asleep…

While you’re awake…

At work…

At the park…

Well, you can!

The secret to around the clock fat burning is something you’ve probably heard of many times before…


So is fiber itself a fat burner?

Well, not quite…

But it will help you regulate the number of calories you ingest compared to the number of calories you burn in a day…

Which is the key to fat burning around the clock.

So let me tell you a little bit about fiber…

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber does your body a world of good…

This fiber, also known as viscous fiber, prevents fat absorption.

See, when you ingest soluble fiber, the fiber itself absorbs water to form a thick, Jello-like substance that regulates how your body stores fat.

Soluble fiber does this by binding itself to fats and carrying them through your digestive tract…

It’s ultimately a fat magnet.

As a result, the fats exit your body through a stool instead of absorbing into your bloodstream.

Because soluble fiber carries these fats out of your body, you’ll feel more energized than you would had these fats remained in your body…

Why is this?

When high levels of waste and metabolic byproducts build up in your body, they can cause feelings of fatigue…

So even though soluble fiber won’t necessarily give you an energy boost, it will remove the wastes in your body that potentially prevent you from having energy…

And more energy can lead to more activity, and as a result, a greater caloric deficit to aid in your fat burning efforts.

Another benefit of soluble fiber is that it’s a good prebiotic

You’ve probably heard of a probiotic before.

But what’s a prebiotic?

When soluble fiber passes through your digestive tract, it eventually reaches healthy bacteria in your large intestine…

These healthy bacteria digest the fiber…

Which is good fuel for the healthy bacteria that will clean out your gut and regulate weight gain.

And speaking of weight loss, soluble fiber may help to reduce your appetite, which will help you to eat less while still feeling full…

Remember, calories in vs. calories out is the key to fat burning around the clock…

That simply means that you want to burn more calories than you consume.

Soluble fiber can help keep you fuller and more satisfied for longer periods of time…

Which is truly invaluable when you’re trying to burn fat around the clock.

Summary: Soluble fiber prevents fat absorption, cleans out your gut, keeps you regular, and keeps you full for long periods of time, all of which contribute to burning fat around the clock.   

Types of soluble fiber: kale, beans, flax seeds, asparagus, oats, and almonds.

Insoluble Fiber

As you probably guessed from the name, insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, and mostly remains unchanged as it moves through your digestive tract.

Insoluble fiber isn’t as diverse in its health benefits for you as soluble fiber is…

But still, it has its perks.

Insoluble fiber is most advantageous to you in its ability to keep you regular, which prevents constipation, and can even help to get your bowels moving if you’ve found yourself having a difficult time using the restroom.

Again considering our calories in vs. calories out method for burning fat, having regular, healthy stools is important to your fat loss goals…

On top of helping you with your fat loss goals, this fiber helps to relieve the discomfort of constipation.

You know the uncomfortable feeling of not being “on schedule” if you will…  

A day or two without passing a stool can cause your stomach to become uncomfortable and bloated…

A daily intake of insoluble fiber can help eliminate that feeling altogether.

And much like, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber will help you to feel fuller for longer, and thereby prevent excessive eating that can lead to weight gain.

Summary: Insoluble fiber keeps your digestive system running at its best and keeps you fuller for longer, both of which contribute to burning fat around the clock.

Types of insoluble fiber: seeds, skins of fruit, and brown rice.

Your Next Step

Now, don’t overcomplicate getting fiber into your diet…

Just get it in somehow…

The good thing about fiber is that it’s relatively easy to add to all of your meals and even all of your snacks.

Just compliment your meals with a serving or two of the foods that I mentioned in each section at various times in your day.

Adding fiber to your diet will give you all of the benefits that I mentioned above and will make a noticeable difference in your fat burning efforts.

Remember, the key to burning fat around the clock is simple. Remain at a caloric deficit and you’ll burn fat, no problem. Fiber will help you to stay at that deficit.

So prioritize getting fiber into your diet today!

It works quickly, so you’ll start to notice its effects within the next day or so!

24-Hour Fat Burning Routine For Women

Have you ever been walking through a pitch-black maze with your hands as your only helpers?

It’s frustrating…

The process is slow because well, you can’t see where you’re going…

And because you can’t see where you’re going, sometimes you get turned around…

On the very worst of days, you find yourself right back at the beginning of the maze when you thought you had successfully reached the end.

Can I ask you an honest question?  

Doesn’t burning fat feel like that pitch-black maze sometimes?

Like on a day-to-day basis you could either be making great progress or you could be going backward?

And you’re not exactly sure which way you’re headed?

Well, I want to tell you that I know that feeling.

There have been many moments on my health journey when I felt like I biffed my head against an unseen wall.

But I don’t want you to feel that way in your fat loss journey…

I want you to be confident in the direction you’re going…

And today I’m going to give you a 24-hour fat burning routine so that you know you’re on the path to your healthiest you, each and every day.


Down a cold glass of water: One of the first things I recommend you do in the morning is down a nice, cold glass of water…


Because starting your day off with a cold glass of water will boost your metabolism by 24% until your body brings the cold water down to your core temperature.

This process usually lasts a good 90-minutes…

So simply by drinking a cold glass of water you jump start your metabolism, and your body begins the process of burning fat…

Which ensures that you start your day off on the right foot…

Workout while fasted: Working out in a fasted state (abstaining from food) is the best way to workout when you’re looking to burn fat.

In fact, you’ll burn 20% more fat in a fasted state because your blood sugar levels are low enough to the point where your body burns fat rather than stored sugars.

To increase the fat burning process, I would even recommend enjoying a cup of pre-workout tea such as Green tea or Oolong tea.

Both the caffeine and the antioxidants in the tea will improve fat burning during your workout and even throughout the day.

Also, the workout itself is obviously going to help you burn fat…

I know that’s obvious, but I just wanted to remind you that working out while fasting, and even after a cup of tea is really a two-for-one fat burner.

At this point in your day, you’ve already made effective fat burning choices that will extend into the afternoon…

Protein-packed breakfast: Make sure your breakfast is packed with plenty of protein.

Protein is a natural metabolism booster because your body works harder to break down protein in your body than it does carbohydrates food sources.

Protein also keeps you full for a longer period of time than say, a carbohydrate source would.

So for your post-workout meal, don’t just go for the couple pieces of fruit…

Instead, have an egg or two and a small cup of oatmeal.

That way you’ll have protein, a good source of carbohydrates and even some fat and fiber to keep you full longer, but also nourished post-workout.


Eat a big lunch: Lunch is a great time to eat a rather large meal.

According to a study done by the International Journal of Obesity, those who eat a big lunch dropped an average of 11% of their body weight when on a calorie restricted diet, than those that ate their biggest meal for dinner…

But again, you want your meal to be high in protein and fats and moderate in carbohydrates.

This will keep you fuller for longer periods of time and will help to decrease cravings throughout the late afternoon and early evening portions of the day.

Take a probiotic: Probiotics are powerful tools for fat loss. (The brand I personally use)

One study, conducted by the Journal of Nutrition, noted that subjects who took a probiotic for 12 weeks noticed a 4.6% reduction in abdominal fat over the course of the study.

Probiotics fill your stomach with good gut bacteria, which helps to keep your digestive system on the right track throughout the day.

A probiotic a day will help to keep your gut clear so that you don’t run the risk of storing toxins that are deterrent to your fat loss goals.

At this point in your day, you’ve done plenty of intentional fat burning activity. You’ve also made good choices in regards to the type of foods you eat and for keeping your digestive system healthy. All of these are contributors to fat loss. And you’re moving right along.  


More Tea: Tea is both enjoyable and full of fat-burning energy for you…

Have another cup of green tea or Oolong tea to keep your metabolism boosted for the last few hours before bed. Not only does tea help to suppress your appetite, but also, because of its caffeine content, it burns fat.

Tea is also an antioxidant that’ll keep your body from storing unwanted toxins so that you’ll look and feel great.

Early Dinner: Try to have dinner as early as you can in so that you can have your first meal the next day after being somewhere between 14-16 hours fasted.

Again, you want to have a protein packed meal because protein intake raises your metabolism so that you’ll burn fat for the rest of the night and even while you sleep.

Try to clock your last meal in at around 7 pm at the latest for the best fat burning results.

Sleep: Good sleep is necessary for your body to function properly.

Without a good night of sleep you’ll put your body at a disadvantage when it comes to burning fat (and every other function, really).

Try not to hang out on your phone close to bedtime…

Shut off the television…

I recommend reading a good book, spending time counting your blessings, or journaling.

All of these will help you to hit the pillow with positive thoughts and a relaxed mind, which will, as a result, improve your sleep and your fat burning functions as well.

So there you have it!

Follow these steps every day and you won’t have to wonder if you’re lost in a maze somewhere on your fat loss journey…

Instead, you’ll have the comfort and delight in knowing that you’re on the right path and that you’ll reach your goal, without question.

Be confident in the direction you’re going and live out your life as the most confident you!

4 Yummy Slimming Smoothie Recipes For Women

When you’re trying to slim down, it’s always good to have something to look forward to having on your diet plan…

Something that’s tasty but won’t undo all of the hard work you’ve put into your workouts

Something that’s filled with nutrients and moves you closer to your goals…

And did I mention tasty?

And in my opinion, few things fit the qualifications of a slimming snack like a good smoothie.

Smoothies make for a great slimming snack because they’re diverse, easy to make, filled with essential vitamins and minerals, and when done right, can help your body torch fat and build muscle…

So here are 4 slimming smoothie recipes that’ll make a great treat for you:

Spinach Flax Protein Smoothie

Don’t let the spinach throw you off. This blend is perfect for those of you who don’t particularly enjoy spinach because it’s also packed with mango, pineapple, and banana. Also, the protein powder will give this smoothie a deliciously creamy taste. It’s got plenty of fiber to help keep your stomach healthy and will keep you full with its high protein content. 

What you need:

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 large handful of organic baby spinach, washed
  • ¼ cup frozen mango chunks
  • ¼ cup frozen pineapple
  • ½ of a banana (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 Tbsp flax meal
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder

How to make it:

  • Combine all ingredients into a blender.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Nutritional content:

Calories: 231
Protein: 19g
Carbohydrates: 23g
Fats: 8g
Fiber: 9g

Key Lime Pie Smoothie

Okay, this sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Key lime pie (as a pie) isn’t healthy for you, but this smoothie sure is. It’s high in protein and has 0 fat, making it a great post-workout option.

What you need:

  • ½ cup fat-free cottage cheese
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbs. lime juice
  • 5-10 ice cubes (Use less for a thinner consistency)
  • 1 cup water (can be adjusted based on desired consistency)
  • 2 tsp. Stevia
  • A handful of spinach
  • Half of a graham cracker

How to make it:

  • Put everything into a blender and blend until a creamy consistency is reached.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy.
  • Top with a crushed graham cracker if desired!

Nutritional content:

Calories: 212
Protein: 42g
Carbohydrates: 17g
Fats: 0g
Fiber: 1g

Coffee Banana Protein Smoothie

This one is for those of you that love coffee (like me)! It will make for a delicious start to your day that’ll give you a kick of energy! It’s got protein, fiber, and caffeine, which makes for an excellent fat-burning combination.

What you need:

  • 1 cup chilled brewed coffee (brand of your choice)
  • 1 ½ bananas, cut into small chunks
  • 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1 tbsp. ground flax seed
  • 2 tsp. agave nectar
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. grated nutmeg
  • 6 ice cubes

How to make it:

  • Place all of the ingredients in a heavy-duty blender.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour and enjoy!

Nutritional content:

Calories: 210
Protein: 25g
Carbohydrates: 25g
Fats: 1g
Fiber: 4g

Peach and Oat Breakfast Smoothie

This one will taste like a southern treat. High in protein and fiber, this smoothie will help to bounce off cravings later in the afternoon and will jump-start your metabolism in the morning.

What you need:

  • 1 ½ cups peeled and diced, frozen peaches
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 (5.3 oz) greek yogurt
  • 1 very ripe banana, peeled and frozen
  • ½ cup oats (old fashioned or quick, either are fine)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder
  • ½ cup cold water

How to make it:

Add all ingredients to a blender and process until well textured.

Pour and enjoy!

Nutritional content:

Calories: 250
Protein: 31g
Carbohydrates: 22g
Fats: 4g
Fiber: 7g

I know, I’m sorry to see this list come to an end as well…

I’ll have to make another one for you in the future!

Like I mentioned at the outset of this article, these 4 slimming smoothie recipes are packed with fruits and vegetables that give you plenty of micronutrients that help with slimming down…

Each one is also filled with plenty of protein and a healthy amount of fiber to help build muscle, burn fat, and keep your stomach looking and feeling great…

Both your sweet tooth and your stomach will be satisfied when you add one (or several) of these delicious smoothies into your weekly mix.

3 Steps To A Slimmer Waist

How many times have you fretted about your waistline?

If you’re like most women, probably pretty often…

It’s a common insecurity…

And because it’s an insecurity, fretting about your waist size can steal you away from truly living in and enjoying every moment.

And I don’t want that for you!

I do want to take this moment to encourage you to continue in your training…

You’re working hard to get the fit body of your dreams…

And you’re making incredible progress!

But in this article, I want to give you a few steps that you can follow today that will impact the way your waist looks today.

So here are 3 steps to a slimmer waist!


Your posture can dramatically impact the way your body looks to yourself and to others…

And in order to have the appearance of a slimmer waist today, you need to pay special attention to your posture.

Even if you haven’t reached your target waistline goal yet, you can still create an illusion (for lack of a better term) of a slim waist…

One posture trick you can use to slim out your waistline is to stand up straight.

When you slouch, your body loses its elongated look, no matter how tall (or short) you are…

So standing tall will simply elongate your body and make your waist look thinner.

Also, whether you’re sitting or standing, having upright posture (not slouching) recruits your abdominal muscles so that they’re getting a workout even when you aren’t at the gym.

Standing straight requires that you pull your abs in toward your spine and then, hold them there for extended periods of time…

When you slouch you disengage your core, let your abs fall outward rather than pull inward and also give your stomach an unflattering appearance.

Standing or sitting up straight is a great way to engage your ab muscles to exercise your core on a daily basis, by hardly doing anything at all…

And it’s something you can do today to slim up your waist.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential to having a slim waistline today.

Drinking plenty of water will help to detoxify your body, clean out your gut, and keep you from retaining water, all of which contribute to a bulgy waist.

It really is one of the most advantageous slim waist hacks.

First, water helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Drinking plenty of water is a key way to avoid constipation, as well as inflammation of your intestines, which could cause an expanding waistline.

Also, oddly enough, dehydration is one of the main causes of water retention…

It’s not an abundance of water that makes you bloated, but rather, an absence of water.

When your body feels like it isn’t being hydrated properly, it begins to hold onto whatever water it does have…

Almost like it’s in survival mode.

So the key to batting away belly bloat that causes an unwanted bulge in your waistline is to stay hydrated today.

And to top it all off, drinking plenty of water will help you to get fuller, faster when you eat, which will protect you from overeating.

Eating wisely in both nutrient content and portion size will contribute to a slimmer waist, and water will help you to keep your portion sizes down.

So drink plenty of water!

You’ll feel great about your waist as you do.

Eat right

And speaking of nutrition…

I couldn’t write up the 3 steps to a slimmer waist without incorporating your diet in the mix…

You know very well the difference in how you feel after you eat a fast food meal, compared to when you make your own healthy lunch from home…

It’s a night and day kind of difference, and it’s one that affects not only how your waist looks, but also, how you feel about the way your waist looks.

Why is that?

Typically, it’s because of the sodium content in a lot of the foods you like to enjoy…

You can’t even order grilled chicken and some veggies at a restaurant without them going over the top on the salt.

See, sodium is easily absorbed by the cells in your body…

And when it’s absorbed, it takes water with it, which then causes bloating.

So, I’ll keep it simple for you…

One simple way that you can make your waist slimmer today is by steering away from the salt…

Salt doesn’t provide any advantages for your waistline. The next part of eating right is pretty simple…

Eat fewer calories than you burn throughout the day…

This is the key to fat burning and getting that slim waist that you’re dreaming of. When you eat at a daily caloric deficit, you lose weight, burn fat and slim up your waistline…

Now, does this mean that you are eating very little?

Not at all!

It means that the foods you do eat are nutritious and work towards the goal of slimming your waist…

Have an egg and a light cup of oatmeal for breakfast. Bring a small baggie of blueberries to snack on at work…

Eat a big chicken salad with almonds and goat cheese crumbles at work…

Enjoy a fat-burning cup of tea before bed. You can eat plenty of food without your caloric intake is greater than your caloric expenditure. Plan out what you’ll eat today and you’ll have a slimmer waist than if you choose to eat frivolously or spontaneously.

These 3 steps; keeping tabs on your posture, staying hydrated, and eating right will all help move you towards having a slimmer waist…

Not only in the future…

But today.

These steps are simple to follow and don’t take much extra effort at all. Getting a slimmer waist today really can be as easy as 1-2-3!

And because you know your waist is looking great, you’ll feel great about yourself! Insecurities about your waist won’t play a factor in your day today!

And that makes for a great day!

7 Best At Home Exercises For Lean Legs That Aren’t Squats

I love working out at home…

It’s convenient, time efficient (because there’s no commute to the gym and back), and my post workout shower and meal are only a few steps away…

But if you’re relatively new to home workouts, you probably aren’t sure what to do…

What exercises will get you the best results in the shortest amount of time?

Can they really be as effective as the workouts I have when I go to the gym?

Well, I’m writing today to tell you that at home workouts can have just as much variety and intensity as workouts in the gym…

Especially when you’re working towards getting lean and sexy legs.

Here Are 7 Of The Best At-Home Exercises For Lean Legs…

And None Of Them Involves Squats…

1. Lunges

How To:

  • Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and your chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you so you don’t keep looking down). Flex your abdominals from start to finish to ensure that you keep your core tight.
  • Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle. Your other knee should come down to about an inch off the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.
  • Alternate legs with every repetition.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg (20 repetitions total per set).

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core

Video Example:

2. Side Lunges

How To:

  • Stand with your back straight and your chest and chin up. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Flex your abdominals from start to finish to ensure that your core is tight.
  • Take a big step out to your right. Bend your right knee and push your butt back, keeping your left leg straight.
  • Alternate legs with every repetition.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg (20 repetitions total per set).

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core

Video Example:


3. Curtsy Lunges

How To:

  • Stand with your back straight and your chest and chin up. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Step your right leg diagonally behind your left leg and bend your knees to lower into a lunge.
  • Push through your right heel to stand, and bring your right leg back to start.
  • Alternate legs with every repetition.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg (20 repetitions total per set).

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core

Video Example:


4. High Knee Toe Taps

For this exercise, you’ll need a chair or a small table or bench.

How To:

  • Stand to face a chair, small table or bench with your hands on your hips.
  • Keeping your back straight and your chest up, tap your left foot on the bench, then swap legs and tap your right foot
  • Alternate legs with every repetition.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg (20 repetitions total per set).

Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core

Video Example:


5. Single-Leg Calf Raises

How To:

  • Stand with your back straight and your chin forward. Your feet should be hip-width apart with your hands on your hips.
  • Raise your left knee to hip level with your toes pointed.
  • Keep your core tight as you lift your right heel as high as you can off the floor, balancing on the ball of your foot.
  • Hold for three seconds and then lower your heel back down. Perform 10 repetitions and then switch legs.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

Muscles Worked: Calves

Video Example:


6. Side Leg Raises

How To:

  • Lie on one side with your legs out straight and stacked on top of each other. Prop your torso up with your forearm.
  • Lift your top leg toward the ceiling in a slow and controlled movement, lifting from your hip and butt, not your lower back. Keep your abdominals flexed.
  • Return to start.
  • Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

Muscles Worked: Abductors (outer thigh), glutes

Video Example:


7. Inner Thigh Leg Raises

How To:

  • Lie on one side with your legs out straight and stacked on top of each other and your torso propped up on your forearm.
  • Cross your top leg over the bottom leg, bending at the knee, so that your top foot is in front of your bottom knee.
  • Lift your bottom leg toward the ceiling in a slow and controlled movement. Keep your torso stable and your abdominals flexed throughout.
  • Return to start.
  • Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.

How Many:

  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

Muscles Worked: Adductors (inner thigh)

Video Example:


There you have it!

7 of the best at home exercises for lean legs, that don’t include squats.

Feel free to mix and match these exercises to get great variety while working out in your living room, basement, or bedroom.

Oh, and you can always add squats to the mix, too…

Keep up the hard work!

How To Do Lunges

Let’s talk lunges!

Are you doing lunges regularly in your workout routines?

If not, you might be missing out on some awesome benefits and results you can get from one of the key exercises to train your lower body.

Why are lunges important?

Lunges are one of the best “compound” exercises, meaning they work multiple muscles across multiple joints (hips, knees and ankles).

Because your leg muscles make up the largest muscle group, doing exercises that work these muscles creates the highest calorie burn which is beneficial for a weight loss goal.


Lunges can also help you with a muscle building goal because having strong legs, core and cardiovascular system are all part of the foundation of developing the overall strength necessary to build a lean sculpted physique.

Furthermore, all variations of lunges are considered “functional” exercises. Practicing functional movements such as lunges will help you to prevent and decrease risk of injury in your daily life when picking up heavy objects, moving furniture or simply lunging to catch or pick something up off the ground.

There are many different variations of lunges, which is awesome for keeping your workouts fresh and interesting.

I recommend trying and using all the different types of lunges in your workouts and keeping your focus always on good form.

You are welcome to add resistance (weights, bands, or machines) to any of these lunge variations, but it’s not necessary to get good results, especially if you’re a beginner.

First, try these lunges with no equipment at all, just your body weight, and once they start to feel easy you can experiment with adding a bit of resistance.

Here are some of my favorite lunge variations.

(Hint* Scroll to the end if you want to see a sample workout using all of these lunges)

1) Reverse Lunges

  1. Start by standing tall on your left leg with your hands on your hips.
  2. Lift your right foot up behind you.
  3. Find your balance and make sure your heel stays planted on the floor
  4. Take a big step back with your right leg and lower your knee towards the ground.
  5. Stop when your front knee forms a 90-degree bend.
  6. Make sure to keep your head and chest upright rather than leaning forward.
  7. Press your left heel down into the ground as you rise back up and flex the muscles of your left leg.
  8. Switch sides and repeat all steps on with the other leg.

Tip: Reverse lunges are the best for beginners to start with. If you have any trouble balancing you can do these close to a wall or chair and hold on for balance.

2) Forward Lunges

  1. Start by standing firmly on your right leg with your hands on your hips
  2. Lift your left leg off the ground and take a big step forward lowering your back knee towards the ground until your front knee forms a 90-degree angle.
  3. Keep your core tight and your head and chest upright.
  4. Press back with your front leg to return to the standing position and flex the muscles of your right leg.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

Tip: Be careful not to step too shallow or lean too much into the front knee as this can cause your knee to extend over your toes creating a shearing motion for your tendons and ligaments. The safest form is for you knee to be directly over your toes and the weight distributed straight down instead of forward. Take it slow and practice good form over speed.

3) Curtsey Lunges

  1. Stand tall and hold your hands on your hips
  2. Shift all your weight onto your left leg and step your right leg back and across the midline.
  3. Lower your back knee almost all the way to the ground or until you achieve a 90-degree bend in your front leg.
  4. Make sure that your hips are still facing front and not twisting or tilting.
  5. Press your front foot down into the ground with the weight on the heel to come back up to standing.
  6. Switch sides and repeat
  7. Tip: You should feel a good stretch across your outer hip, if you don’t feel it then step even further across and double check that your hips are still facing front.

4) Side Lunges

Side Lunge


  1. Start by shifting your weight onto your left leg
  2. Lift your right leg and take a big step out to the side
  3. Keep your left leg as straight as possible as you bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle.
  4. Press back up and together with your right leg
  5. Repeat all reps on this side then switch

5) Sprinter Lunges

Sprinter Lunges


  1. Start by standing tall with your feet together and arms down by your sides.
  2. Take an extra large step back with your right leg while leaning forward and touching your fingertips to the ground on either side of your left foot.
  3. Your left knee should form a 90-degree angle and your back leg should be as straight as possible.
  4. Try your best to keep your chest up and your spine straight
  5. Press down into the floor with your left heel and rise back up to standing.
  6. Switch sides and repeat.

6) Jump Lunges

  1. Start in a lunge position with left leg forward and your right knee about 2 to 4 inches above the ground
  2. Bring your right hand forward and left arm back to gear up for the jump
  3. As you jump up use your arms to help and switch sides as you land in the opposite side lunge
  4. Make sure to land softly and control the descent.
  5. Pause for a moment to make sure your form is solid then jump and switch back to the starting position.
  6. Each jump counts as 1 rep.
  7. Continue alternating sides for the given number of reps.

Leg and Booty Firming Lunge Workout

How to do the workout:

  • Do 10 repetitions of each lunge variation (5 reps per side), in order from exercise 1 to 6.
  • Rest up to 30 seconds between exercises.
  • After you’ve completed each exercise once, rest 2 minutes then start again for Round 2.
  • After Round 2, rest another 2 minutes and finish the 3rd and Final Round.
  • Stretch and cool down.

The Workout:

(Repeat these 6 exercises in order from 1 to 6, 3 times)

  1. 10 Reverse Lunges alternating sides
  2. 10 Forward Lunges alternating sides
  3. 5 Curtsey Lunges to the right, 5 Curtsey Lunges to the Left
  4. 5 Side lunges to the right, 5 Side Lunges to the left
  5. 10 Sprinter Lunges, Alternating Sides
  6. 10 Jump Lunges Alternating Sides

Rest 30 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between rounds.

That’s it! Don’t forget to stretch and cool down after you’re done.

I hope you have enjoyed learning the importance of lunges, some tips on good form and experiencing a workout utilizing 6 different lunge variations.

Work lunges into your regular routine to experience the immense benefits of functional strength, balance and metabolism-boosting power.